Friday, January 30, 2015

I Heart Self Checkout

A woman got upset with me today because I used self checkout with, what she viewed as, too big of a load.

"You really shouldn't use this with that much stuff," she said.

"Thank you," I said, pushing my bulging buggy up to an available kiosk to start the self checkout process.

I don't feel bad for using self checkout no matter how many items I have. Sure, I'll let someone with one or two things go in front of me if there aren't any open "stalls" because I'm not an asshole, but that wasn't the case today when I got the verbal scolding. There were plenty of lanes open, so what's it to that lady?

I have no shame about it. I love self checkout because I have OCD tendencies, and I like to organize things neatly into bags. Deal with it. I am.

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