Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I Have Not Abandoned My Blog

I have not abandoned my blog. It's been on a back burner, along with dozens of other writing projects I’m working on.

I did not make “blogging regularly” one of my New Year’s resolutions and, as a writer, I don’t feel bad for having not officially blogged in nearly four months.

I blog regularly, just not on my blog.

Since my last “official” blog entry I’ve written four feature stories for Vinyl, three product reviews for the BBB and the Dojo, over 20 stories about health and wellness, five scripts between Try New Things and MNN, a story about using a flint for Moose Tracks, two stories for the Mooseville Journal Record, and three Harmony CaPleur harmonica lessons.

After I squeeze in some weekly caption, poetry, contest, and blurb writing then toss in some lesson plans and assignments, it’s safe to say most of my days (and nights) are spent writing in some form or another.

What’s hard about writing for me is not the amount of time I spend doing it or how unbelievably difficult it is to create original, quality content on a regular basis. What’s hard about writing for me is that no matter how many pieces I finish, there’s always something else I want to write about.

This may be my last blog for a while. As much as I have sporadic thoughts and ideas about creativity and education, there is one project that’s been on my “to complete” list for far too long.

I’ve now posted something on my blog in 2014, signaling the end of yesteryear. Now it’s time to focus, young grasshopper, and may the odds be ever in my favor.